It is a normal tendency with everyone while buying to ask recommendations from a friend or relative. But with most of the purchases online today, reviews play a major role in building trust for all kinds of businesses. Many included factors that influence the customer’s decision to purchase your business. The Internet has made it very easy to make purchases online without even contacting the company representative. Therefore, the internet is the key factor that makes a large impact on the buying decision of a customer. If the recommendations of friends are not satisfactory, the majority of customers believe in online reviews much closer as personal recommendations. Hence if you thinking “How to get more positive reviews?”, you must associate with top online review experts like Online Agent review who provide comprehensive strategies.
What is the importance of positive reviews?
Many studies and statistics have shown that positive customer reviews will influence a large portion of customers to have trust in a particular business, and a significant percentage of those customers visit the company’s website after seeing positive reviews. This implies that for a business to grow in a modern, competitive, and online-reliant marketplace, it will require more happy customers to share positive reviews. This will lead to attract more new visitors into their website and also to expand their business reach.
How to get more Positive Online Reviews:
Getting more positive reviews is a tricky job that requires some smart strategies to be implemented and be on top of the job consistently. Below are a few strategies that could be implemented to get maximum positive reviews:
1. Ask satisfied customers to write reviews:
- You could feel that this tip could be very simple, but many businesses fail to do this consistently. Just think about all the purchases you have made online. Have all of them asked you for a review?
- As you know that the customer is satisfied with your product or service, ask them to write a review. You could ask them to review your business while you are speaking with them after the sales process. IF this doesn’t seem to be appropriate, you may send them an Email or message to specifically write about their experience. If they get back to you with a positive note, then ask them to post this on your website or any other review site. The majority of them agree to do so since they would be pleased with your job. But you must ensure that you request your customers for use of these positive reviews on your social media handles or your website only after confirmation from their side.
- But asking for positive reviews immediately after a satisfied purchase will allow the customer to write more positive comments as the experience will be fresh in your minds. There are statistics show that a major portion of customers will provide positive reviews when they are asked to do so. It is also important to ask in a more polite way of asking reviews from your customers. It plays a major role in getting more positive reviews.
2. Provide rewards for Customers:
Depending on the type of your business, you could provide a small reward like a discount coupon, voucher, or any other type of offer for providing a review. You could mention these rewards in the thank-you e-mail or SMS with the review request. This will make them feel worthy about the time they invest to write the review. But you need to ensure that many review sites remove the reviews that were written because of rewards.
3. Educate and reward employees:
Educate and reward employees on the significance of getting positive rewards for your business. This will aid them to provide good customer experience and also develop a good way of asking the customers about reviews. You may reward the employees for every positive review that was initiated by them.
4. Display good reviews:
People will keep looking for positive reviews whenever they make purchases. Hence it is important to showcase good reviews to people by posting them on your website or other review sites. You could also use these reviews in your other marketing places like brochures, newsletters, marketing materials, and social media content. But only after you get consent from the customers for using their reviews. Having a large number of positive reviews will help to build a good impression in the minds of customers. You could also highlight some of the extraordinary reviews that could prove to be an effective marketing strategy.
5. Be active on Social media:
Be very active on your social media and have your presence on all the platforms that are widely used by customers. You could smartly work on the contents you post on these platforms and include the positive reviews between these contents. These platforms include the most widespread ones like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You never know when a point made by a happy client will be the trigger for someone else to become a new client. Appealing social media content will grab the customer’s attention and help you to expand your thoughts.
6. Reply appropriately to Negative Reviews:
A negative review can have a huge dent on all the hard work you have put over the years. You must follow up on the negative review, If the customer had a bad experience then reply to him with sincerity and provide a satisfactory resolution. If you can transform this negative review into a positive one, you could be doing yourself a world of good. People who are looking at such reviews would be pleased by your prompt response to any customer.
Bottom line:
To get your business running successfully for a longer period, it is important to have positive online reviews. Therefore, partner with the best review management company Online Agent review, who helps in automating the review process for real estate agents and always ranks higher in the online platforms.